Saturday, 3 March 2012

Massage in Brighton : Dare to be different Part 3 - Conclusions

On this third and last installment of massage in Brighton we will try to associate the “Why” outcome with tangible benefits to your clients and how will this bring success on a personal and professional level.

I think is quite accurate to say that as a massage therapist you are passionate about what you do, you may even be among the majority of those who chose this line of work because you were answering the same noble calling - to heal the world. That's the difference between what you do, and why you do it.
But, how do you translate your "why" you do what you do into “How” it helps your clients to lead better and healthier lives? How do you get that communicated into actual benefits for your customers? 

Think about it, all of the greatest businesses in the world don't just offer a service or product, they offer to their customers an experience and at the core of it all, and those that do it well, offer an chance to be a part of something bigger. Your "why" is that something bigger.
Let's see a real world example like the Apple business. Why do you believe they have such a loyal, customer base, and control such a big part of their market? They don't just sell electronics devices they offer a unique experience and an opportunity to be a part of something larger. If Apple were like everyone else, a marketing message from them might sound like this: "We make great computers. They're beautifully designed, and simple to use. Want to buy one?" And that's how many of us communicate. We say what we do, or how we're different or how we're better, and expect someone to take action based on that. But it's not inspiring.
Now, here's how Apple actually communicates: "In everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed and simple to use. We just happen to make great computers. Want to buy one?" Do you see how this is completely different? That's a perfect example of leading with "why" and how the why benefits the customer.

In order put your "why" across effectively into that experience and make it so the customers see, feel and understand how it benefits them, remember to see it from their point of view. "How is my “why” going to help them?" When you lead with “why” you do what you do and how it's going to benefit them and you share this beneficial vision to others, you will attract more people who share that same desire. Furthermore, those people are going to happily pay a premium to have an ongoing relationship with you. People want to know YOU. When customers want to work with you, it's because of your connection, the rapport, what is unique and fascinating about you, and ultimately, how they feel by associating themselves with you. Of course, it's important to be able to massage people well, but remember, at the end of the day, they buy YOU, not your massage service.
By sharing how your “why” benefits them you are creating a bond. Remember that saying "no one care how much you know until they know how much you care?" Your why you do what you do to benefit your customer shows them how much you care. Clarify translating your "why" into actual benefits for your customer, on the same piece of paper answer these next 3 questions:
  • What vision do I have for my life and of the world, and how does massage play into that?
  • How does massage improve other people's lives?
  • What aspect of massage do I love the most?
Once you have answered these questions you should have your “why” and how it benefits your customers. This is important because people are starting to care less and less about what a business does and more and more about the people behind the show, who they are, and what they stand for.
So, that's the secret. Lead with your “why” and how it benefits your clients and you will reap all of the rewards that come with having the business of your dreams. Live your passion and serve millions of people around the world simply by sharing your “why”.